
Internal Communications Strategies and Employees

Page history last edited by Andrew Paul 3 years, 3 months ago


Internal Communications is an approach that is used to develop and uphold multiple channels of internal communication by which organizations can effectively reach out and interact with staff and where staff can provide feedback to management on performance. Internal Communications is no doubt very relevant in today's business environment and in fact is one of the key elements that helps organizations to make and keep their businesses strong. However, it has been found that many businesses are not really sure about how they should approach and manage their internal communications and whether they should concentrate on formulating new strategies or on improving current strategies. The main issue here is that people do not have the right knowledge or skills to formulate a good strategy or evaluate current strategy. It requires experience and expertise and there are some people who simply do not possess these skills and knowledge. Thus, it becomes very important for an organization to hire consultants who can help them in developing an Internal Communications Strategy.



There are four main channels through which organizations can develop their internal communications strategies. First, there is a Planning and Policy Process where organizations try to set out a vision and mission statement as well as goals and objectives for the organization. Next, there are the Management Practices and Discipline which focus on the execution of policies and the conduct of daily activities of senior level staff. Last, there is the Audience, Behavior and Attitude Channel, which mainly deals with creating attitudes, assumptions and actions towards specific audiences as well as creating the internal communications strategies for dealing with certain issues such as communication about strategy, changing customer feedback and dealing with complicated problems.



Thus, from the above it is clear that different kinds of internal communications strategies are needed for the organization and for each of these strategies there are various tactics. For example, there might be a strategy for managing internal staff communications, which is a tact and tactic developed for dealing with particular situations and individual employees. Then there would be a strategy for internal communications for reaching the target audience and internal staff, which are also tact and tactic but this time for reaching everyone, including the outer management and the various executives of Make internal communications enjoyable.


It is important for every employee to understand their own role in internal communications strategies. Internal communication tactics need to address communication that is personal between an employee and manager or superior and the various levels of employees. Internal communications need to address the informal feedback that managers and other employees to give to one another as well as how they give feedback and the specific types of questions that they might expect.


Most importantly, employees need to understand and know how to evaluate these internal communications strategies and whether or not they are working. Evaluating a communication is very similar to evaluating the results of any marketing or advertising campaigns. What works in one place might not work in another place and what works in one channel might not work in another channel. Therefore, it is essential for every employee to understand their own role in building a successful communication system.



The success of a communication strategy depends on every employee having ownership over his or her own work and his or her own feedback. If employees have ownership and control over their work and feedback, they are much more likely to be satisfied with their work. In essence, an internal communications plan is more about the employees than about the company.



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